One of the most common questions we get from day guests is “Why can’t I bring my own boat?” There are two major reasons for this rule.
The first is that when people bring their own boats it is harder for us to keep track of what comes and goes from the waterfront. If we are accustomed to kayaks and canoes leaving the waterfront, it would be all too easy for boats belonging to us to slip out.
The second and most important reason is for protection of our water. Haywood is a headwaters county creating a dynamic ecosystem in our community. Because the county line follows the mountain ridges, all the water in the county originates from springs or as rainfall. We are beneficiaries of this beautiful, clean, delicious water, and at Lake Logan we do all we can to protect it. Boats and equipment can spread pollutants and aquatic nuisance species from waterbody to waterbody. An aquatic nuisance species is a nonnative species that has been introduced and is known to be causing ecological or economic harm.
Not only do we not allow people to bring their own boats, we also do not allow gas-powered motors in our lake because of the pollution they cause.
We feel we have extra responsibility because our lake is close to the headwaters, so what we do impacts everyone downstream
The only exception we make is for people with documented disabilities who have specially equipped boats and for emergency personnel practicing water rescue. These instances are rare, and we require that their equipment is guaranteed to be clean, dry, and disinfected before coming to Lake Logan, and they must discuss this in detail with us before we make a reservation.
Thank you for understanding and abiding by our rule to not allow outside boats.
Learn more about water in Haywood County here.
Read more about aquatic nuisance species in North Carolina here.