Refund policy

Lake Logan events cancellation POLICY

This general policy relates to events that are sponsored by Lake Logan. This policy does not pertain to personal and group retreats/events booked at Lake Logan.

Lake Logan reserves the right to modify the policy for specific events, in which case the policy located on the event page will supersede this policy.

All refunds are subject to a minimum 5% processing fee.

You may request to cancel your registration for a 50% refund, up to 30 days before the date and time of the event, after which time there are no refunds available.

Cancellations between 15 and 30 days before the event may be transferred to a different retreat offered by Lake Logan in the same calendar year.

Registrations are transferable up until the start day of the event if you find you need to cancel and can find someone to take your place. Finding a replacement is the responsibility of the participant. Registration information must be submitted for the new registrant. Reimbursement arrangements are between the original registrant and the new registrant; Lake Logan will not offer refunds.

In the event that Lake Logan must cancel an event or program, participants may choose to receive a refund or move their payment credit to a future event.

By registering for an event at Lake Logan, you are agreeing to this policy.