The ministry of Lake Logan is a journey of faith. It requires investments of hopes, dreams, prayers, dedication, and generosity. You are invited to join other Lake Logan supporters in this shared vision to continue the important work here by becoming a Trailblazer and helping lead the way for the future of this important ministry.

This giving opportunity allows you to make a thoughtful monthly or annual unrestricted gift to provide for the future of Lake Logan. This regular and reliable income helps us expand program offerings, continue to improve our historic campus, maintain ongoing capital improvements, and plan for the future. Trailblazer gifts support all of Lake Logan’s ministries—the Retreat Center, Camp Henry, and the Outdoor School.

As thanks for their support, Trailblazers receive advanced notification of all special events and programs, occasional special rates for lodging and events, an invitation to the annual Trailblazer celebration and special perks at the Cold Mountain Music Festival. There are multiple giving entry points for joining Trailblazers, and each giving level receives a special one-time gift upon joining. In addition, Trailblazers develop a special community of friends through their participation in Lake Logan events and shared love of this thin space.


Trailblazer LevelsMonthly – or –
Annual pledge
Please note that passes and memberships may be gifted to friends, loved ones and those in need. To gift a family day pass or annual membership, please email


$10 – $39 monthly
$120 – $479 annually

2 family day passes


$40 – $69 monthly

$480 – $839 annually

4 family day passes


$70 – $99 monthly

$840 – $1,199 annually

6 family day passes


$100+  monthly

$1,200+ annually

Annual Recreation Membership (year-round hiking, swimming, boating, etc,)

Thank you to our Trailblazers:

Augusta and Steve Anderson
Lee Berger
Thomas Bishop
Ed and Anne Bleynat
Katie Bradshaw
Lawrence and Martha Britt
Will and Molly Bryant
Ed and Susanne Cagle
Mandie Carlson
Deborah Cathey
Elaine Chen
Lynne Diehl
Paul and Chris Dismukes
Laura Elliot and Jenny Elliott 
Amy Fleming
Sim Gardner
Glenn Gettinger
Sandra Grey
Susan Grogan
Robert Guidry
Joel & Anne Hafer
Bill and Nancy Harger
Jeff and Ann Imes
Rhonda Kilby
Bishop Forestry And Land PLLC
Michael Lodico
Jose McLoughlin
Gianna Madrid
Beth Mangum
Richard Murray
Jeffrey Neff
JT Odom
David & Carlyn Pheil
Grace Pless
Benjamin Powell
Lucy Oliver & Tom Rightmyer
Andrew Roth
Kay Saenger
Jane & Bo Schronce
Nancy Swann